Saturday, December 20, 2008
cChristmas is by any means the most popular holiday in the world, religious or secular. It has taken on many different styles over the years in various parts of the world, and in the United States, people like to decorate for the occasion.
Decorating is a staple of several holidays: Christmas, New Year's, and Halloween to name a few. However, the more popular decorations, while festive, don't quite capture the true spirit of Christmas. For that, you'll need to check into making your own homemade Christmas ornaments.
Have Fun, Save Money
Making your own homemade Christmas ornaments can be fun, easy, and thrifty. You'd be surprised at how much you can make on your own without any professional tools and without professional training.
Even if you mess up on making the ornament, you'll not have spent a great deal of money on the materials, and you can simply start over, unlike breaking a store-bought ornament and having to go rebuy it. A homemade Christmas ornament will give Christmas time a more unique and intimate feeling to it, creating an atmosphere that helps to bind the family together.
One quick idea for making a homemade Christmas ornament is to purchase some modeling clay. This doesn't take much talent at all, and you can easily mold it until you have it just how you want it, making it a very friendly substance to new users. Just make a number of figurines depicting Christmas-esque figures, be it a nativity set, snowman, or Santa Clause.
Then, you can most likely bake it in your oven to harden it (though you should check the packaging to see how to harden the clay before you purchase it). Even if it doesn't come out perfectly, this homemade Christmas ornament will have more value than a store-bought decoration, and you'll grow to enjoy it more over the years.
However, you can also make your own outdoor Christmas decoration. In fact, it's as easy as planting a tree in your front yard and placing colored lights in it during December, lighting up the tree with Christmas colors.
If snow abounds, make your own Snowman and dress him up as Santa Clause. This will give neighbors a chuckle as they drive by your home, and it will help to spread Christmas cheer around. The possibilities for making homemade Christmas ornaments are endless, and you can save money and time by picking up the materials and making Christmas a unique experience.
Labels: christmas