Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Christmas really does not feel much like Christmas without the presence of a Christmas tree in the living room. The Christmas tree is about so much more than just presents; it is a focal point for get-togethers with loved ones during the holiday season. So, celebrate the love by including an angel Christmas tree ornament on your tree.

Angel Christmas Tree Ornaments: How to Make Them

So, having made up your mind that you would like to add an angel Christmas tree ornament to your tree, the next step is thinking about the kind of angel you would like to include. In fact, you can take it a step further by thinking about making your own.

Indeed, angels are fun Christmas tree ornaments to make for a variety of reasons. First of all, they are inexpensive to make, and you can customize them in a variety of different ways. In one example of an easy angel Christmas tree ornament, you will need the following materials: yarn (any color you want) markers, white construction paper, pink construction paper, scissors, clear thread, pipe cleaners, glue, a hole puncher, and glitter. You will also want an additional sheet of construction paper – again, in any color.

Start with that additional piece of construction paper. Cut it into a triangle (any size that you might want). Then, roll the triangle into a cone, and secure the place where the edges meet with glue. This will serve as the body of the angel.

Next, take the hole punch and punch a hole in either side of the cone – this will be the place to put pipe cleaners through for the angel Christmas tree ornament. Next, take the pipe cleaners and make a body – this will be very simple to do: neck, arms, and legs. Pull the pipe cleaner through the hole the hole puncher made.

Now it is time to make the face. Cut out a piece of pink construction paper in the shape of a circle and, using the markers, make the face of the angel Christmas tree ornament. Once the face is done, simply glue it onto the front of the neck that was made by the pipe cleaner. Add some hair, and glue an additional pipe cleaner on top for the halo.

Finally, it is time to make the wings. For this step, sketch out the wings that you want (one side at a time) for the angel. Next, cut out the wings, and place some glue on them in various designs. Next, sprinkle the glitter over the glue, let it dry, then attach it to the angel. Finally, add hands and feet with the leftover construction paper, and tie some clear thread to the halo to secure it to the tree. The result is a creative and fun Christmas ornament!


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